Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative

GeSI is about creating a sustainable world through responsible, ICT-enabled transformation.

In collaboration with members from major ICT companies and organisations around the globe, the Global Enabling Sustainability Initiative (GeSI) is a leading source of impartial information, resources and best practices for achieving integrated social and environmental sustainability through ICT-enabled transformation.

In a rapidly growing information society, technology presents both challenges and opportunities. GeSI facilitates real world solutions to real world issues both within the ICT industry and the greater sustainability community. We contribute to a sustainable future, communicate the industry’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts, and increasingly drive the sustainability agenda from an environmental and social perspective.

GeSI is committed to sustainability actions and outcomes. Our members and partners use their collective knowledge and experience to identify opportunities and develop solutions for improving energy and resource efficiency, reducing carbon emissions and footprints, ensuring sustainable practices in the ICT supply chain through the promotion of social and environmental standards, encouraging access to sustainable ICT technologies, and supporting ICT-enabled transformation across all industries and sectors around the globe.

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Event Details

The Sixth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change clearly shows that the time to act is now.

This event will focus on the ways of scaling up the EU's Twin Transition in order to put digital at the heart of the EU's Green transformation, and ultimately meet the Green Deal's ambitious objectives during the EU's Digital Decade.

Digital solutions are crucial in advancing the EU's agenda on sustainability. This is why European ICT companies have a duty to enable digital innovation with a purpose of greening ICT infrastructure, and addressing the potential trade-offs of fast-forward digitalization.

The action-oriented policy dialogue will focus on the framework conditions, policy innovations, and industrial solutions that can accelerate the greening of ICT infrastructure and ultimately guarantee the future of our planet.

This one-day event will take place in two parts, at the European Parliament during the first half, and in the Solvay Library for the second half.

We welcome policymakers, business leaders, environment experts, academics, civil society, and government officials to participate in this debate focusing on how can technology truly enable the EU in addressing climate change's impact.

The event questions we aim to answer:

· What are the necessary framework conditions to enable greening of ICT?

· How can policy innovations facilitate speed and scale for greening ICT?

· What are the industrial solutions/innovations that can have a big impact?

· What other innovations could help in making greening of ICT future-proof?


May 31, 2022

Morning Sessions - European Parliament

09:30 - 10:00
10:00 - 10:05
Welcome Remarks
10:05 - 10:15
Opening Keynote - MEP Cyrus Engerer
ENVI Rapporteur on the revision of the Market Stability Reserve (MSR) for the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS)
Cyrus Engerer (Member at European Parliament)
Cyrus Engerer
10:15 - 11:00
Panel Discussion 1 - Fit for 55: how to go faster with technology
Moderated by Alessandro Gropelli, Deputy-Director General, ETNO
David Jensen (Coordinator Digital Transformation at united Nations Environment Programme (UNEP))
David Jensen
Veerle Vandeweerd (Managing Partner at platform for Transformative Technologies (P4TT))
Veerle Vandeweerd
Marco Loprieno (Principal Administrator, Digital for Climate at European Comission, DG CLIMA)
Marco Loprieno
Marco LOPRIENO is Principal Administrator, DG CLIMA, European Commission, Brussels. He joined the Commission 26 years ago. He is responsible for exploring the potential use of blockchain technologies to support EU Climate Policy development and implementation. He has 18 years climate policy working experience, out of which he has been responsible for 16 years for developing legislation and technical implementation related to the Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of greenhouse gases emissions, first in the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) (2005-12) and then, (2012-2021), as member of the International Carbon Markets team in DG CLIMA.
Dennis Pamlin (Head of Strategy - Digital with Purpose at GeSI)
Dennis Pamlin
Dennis Pamlin is an entrepreneur and founder of 21st Century Frontiers. His background is in engineering, industrial economy and marketing. Pamlin is a senior advisor at RISE, senior associate at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, visiting research fellow at the Research Center of Journalism and Social Development at Renmin university, advisor to Centre for Sustainable Development at Confederation of Indian Industries (CII), Advisor to the EIT Climate KIC, and and is a founding partner of UNFCCC’s “International Innovation Hub” that launched at COP26. Pamlin is currently the director of Mission Innovation Net-Zero Compatibility Initiative and Head of Strategy at Digital with Purpose, Recent publications include a UNEP-FI report about the next generation of leadership in the finance sector, a joint MI/BCG report about opportunity driven climate innovation, and a framework to assess 1.5C compatible companies and innovations . More publications and updates available at:
Toni Jin Yong (Chief Representative European Institutions at Huawei)
Toni Jin Yong
11:00 - 11:15
Message from MEP Iban Garcia del Blanco Rapporteur of the European Parliament on the “Ethical Aspects of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Related Technologies"
“The role of Artificial Intelligence in the European Green Deal”
11:15 - 12:00
Panel Discussion 2 - The Green and Digital Transition
Moderated by Alessandro Gropelli, Deputy-Director General, ETNO
Amaryllis Verhoeven (Head of Unit for Digital, DG GROW at European Commission)
Amaryllis Verhoeven
Florence Verzelen (Executive Vice President, Industry, Marketing and Sustainability at Dassault Systèmes)
Florence Verzelen
Peter Andersen (Director, Head of Sustainability at TDC NET)
Peter Andersen
Annika Linck (Policy Director of European Digital SME Alliance)
Annika Linck
Annika Linck is EU Policy Director at European DIGITAL SME Alliance responsible for managing the alliance’s work on policy and advocacy towards the EU institutions. As coordinator of DIGITAL SME’s Focus Groups AI, ICT Sustainability and Task Force Data, she oversees the development of policy positions. Her interests revolve around the competitiveness of the EU in digital, the data economy, the impact of digital technologies on society, and EU-China relations.
Carla Montesi (Director of DG INTPA, European Commission)
Carla Montesi
12:00 - 13:30
Walking Lunch at Solvay Library

Afternoon Sessions - Solvay Library

13:30 - 13:40
Welcome and Introduction
13:40 - 13:45
Opening Keynote - Teresa Ribera, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Ecological Transition, Spain
Teresa Ribera (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Ecological Transition, Spain)
Teresa Ribera
13:45 - 14:00
Keynote Speech - Katharina Beck, Green Party, German Parliament
Katharina Beck (Green Party, Member at German Parliament)
Katharina Beck
14:00 - 14:45
Panel Discussion 3 – How the ICT sector can accelerate the implementation of the EU Green Deal
Melanie Kubin-Hardewig (VP Group Sustainability Management at Deutsche Telekom)
Melanie Kubin-Hardewig
Massamba Thioye (PhD, Executive, UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC))
Massamba Thioye
Massamba Thioye is leading in the Mitigation division of the UNFCCC secretariat the development of (i) regulations pertaining to the measurement of climate action impact, (ii) incentive mechanisms for climate and sustainability action and (iii) framework enhancing the use of innovation to support climate and sustainability actions. He recently initiated the UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub and is leading its development as executive. He is also overseeing the support to enhanced climate action by the financial sector as well as increased access to low cost finance for clean investment in developing countries. As co-Chair of the Climate Chain Coalition, a coalition of more than 300 organizations and as a member of the Advisory Board of INATBA (International Association for Trusted Blockchain Applications supported by the European Commission), he is working on Distributed Ledger Technologies use cases of for climate and sustainability action. He also co-chaired the development of ISO 14097 “Framework and principles for assessing and reporting investments and financing activities related to climate change”. Massamba Thioye has published several breakthrough technical papers in technical peer-reviewed journals. The most recent include (i) an article on a reformed green bond framework that can scale up the green bond market while addressing green washing (ii) as well as an article on a New advanced GHG accounting system for cities enabled by Distributed Ledger Technologies which is a chapter of the book Planning Climate Smart and Wise Cities he co-edited. Massamba graduated process engineer and has a Ph.D. on energy systems. He was awarded “Best scientist in Senegal” by the Senegalese President in 1997.
Ilias Iakovidis (PhD, Adviser, Green Digital Transformation at European Commission, DG CONNECT)
Ilias Iakovidis
Ilias Iakovidis PhD, Adviser, Digital aspect of green transition, European Commission, DG CONNECT Ilias works on EU wide measures and initiatives that aim to improve the energy and material efficiency of ICT. He is also focused on digitalisation for circular economy, in particular, on the digital product passport that aims to accelerate the transition to circular economy. In cooperation with several Commission services and external stakeholders, Ilias works on maximising the benefits of green digital transformation. He has supported the establishment of the European Green Digital Coalition and manages the European Parliament Pilot project supporting this Coalition that is working on science-based methods to estimate the net environmental impact of digital solutions. In cooperation with stakeholders the Pilot project will also develop guidelines for green digital transformation in sectors such as energy, transport, construction, agriculture and others. Before 2017 Ilias was leading the eHealth and ICT for Active and Healthy Ageing units and contributed to the EU Agenda in eHealth for over 20 years. Areas he pioneered include digitally supported Integrated Care; 'Virtual Physiological Human' (digital patient); Personal Health Systems and Electronic Health Records.
Phoebe Koundouri (Professor and President at Athens University and European Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists)
Phoebe Koundouri
Phoebe Koundouri, Professor School of Economics and Director of ReSEES Research Laboratory, Athens University of Economics and Business; Director of Sustainable Development Unit, Athena RC; President of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists; Co-chair SDSN Europe. Personal website: .
14:45 - 15:00
15:00 - 15:15
Keynote Speech - Malcolm Johnson, ITU
Malcolm Johnson (Deputy Secretary-General at International Telecommunication Union (ITU))
Malcolm Johnson
15:15 - 16:00
Panel Discussion 4 - The ICT sector in action for Circular Economy
Prof. Assunção Cristas (Head of ESG and Environment at VdA, Nova University of Lisbon)
Prof. Assunção Cristas
Michael Kuhndt (Executive Director of Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production(CSCP))
Michael Kuhndt
Michael Kuhndt is the Founder and Executive Director of the CSCP with more than 20 years of experience in the fields of international co-operation, development and sustainability. He has managed impact driven programmes for numerous multinational companies, ministries, European and UN organisations in the fields of strategy development for sustainable supply chains and circular economy, sustainable lifestyles, upscaling of sustainable business models and triple bottom line innovations. He has worked with organisations such as UNEP, UNIDO, Worldbank, ILO, the European Commission, European Environment Agency, World Economic Forum, World Business Council on Sustainable Development, the CCICD, GIZ, the Global Reporting Initiative, the Global eSustainability Initiative, the Wuppertal Institute, triple innova, the European Circular Economy Platform and various other national and international initiatives and networks. In addition, he implemented programmes for numerous multinational companies including the European Aluminium Association, Rewe Group, Metro Group, REAL, PUMA, Henkel, Clariant, Nestlé, Canon, EMI, Hewlett Packard, Nokia, Matsushita, Motorola and Deutsche Telekom. He is member of various international boards and expert groups and has published a range of interviews and articles. Michael Kuhndt studied chemical engineering and environmental management and policy in Germany, Sweden and the USA. Michael Kuhndt is a German national.
Ke Wang (Program Lead at Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy  (PACE))
Ke Wang
Hui Cao (Head of Strategy & Policy, EU Public Affairs at Huawei)
Hui Cao
16:00 - 16:15
Closing Keynote - Timothy Fleming, AT&T
Timothy Fleming (Director of Global Enterprise Sustainability at ATT)
Timothy Fleming
16:15 - 17:00
Networking Cocktails


Cyrus Engerer (Member at European Parliament)

Cyrus Engerer

Member at European Parliament

Katharina Beck (Green Party, Member at German Parliament)

Katharina Beck

Green Party, Member at German Parliament

Alessandro Gropelli (Deputy Director-General of European Telecommunications Network Operator's Association (ETNO))

Alessandro Gropelli

Deputy Director-General of European Telecommunications Network Operator's Association (ETNO)

Amaryllis Verhoeven (Head of Unit for Digital, DG GROW at European Commission)

Amaryllis Verhoeven

Head of Unit for Digital, DG GROW at European Commission

Prof. Assunção Cristas (Head of ESG and Environment at VdA, Nova University of Lisbon)

Prof. Assunção Cristas

Head of ESG and Environment at VdA, Nova University of Lisbon

Hui Cao (Head of Strategy & Policy, EU Public Affairs at Huawei)

Hui Cao

Head of Strategy & Policy, EU Public Affairs at Huawei

Timothy Fleming (Director of Global Enterprise Sustainability at ATT)

Timothy Fleming

Director of Global Enterprise Sustainability at ATT

David Jensen (Coordinator Digital Transformation at united Nations Environment Programme (UNEP))

David Jensen

Coordinator Digital Transformation at united Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

Florence Verzelen (Executive Vice President, Industry, Marketing and Sustainability at Dassault Systèmes)

Florence Verzelen

Executive Vice President, Industry, Marketing and Sustainability at Dassault Systèmes

Peter Andersen (Director, Head of Sustainability at TDC NET)

Peter Andersen

Director, Head of Sustainability at TDC NET

Veerle Vandeweerd (Managing Partner at platform for Transformative Technologies (P4TT))

Veerle Vandeweerd

Managing Partner at platform for Transformative Technologies (P4TT)

Massamba Thioye (PhD, Executive, UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC))

Massamba Thioye

PhD, Executive, UN Climate Change Global Innovation Hub at United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC)

Annika Linck (Policy Director of European Digital SME Alliance)

Annika Linck

Policy Director of European Digital SME Alliance

Ilias Iakovidis (PhD, Adviser, Green Digital Transformation at European Commission, DG CONNECT)

Ilias Iakovidis

PhD, Adviser, Green Digital Transformation at European Commission, DG CONNECT

Melanie Kubin-Hardewig (VP Group Sustainability Management at Deutsche Telekom)

Melanie Kubin-Hardewig

VP Group Sustainability Management at Deutsche Telekom

Marco Loprieno (Principal Administrator, Digital for Climate at European Comission, DG CLIMA)

Marco Loprieno

Principal Administrator, Digital for Climate at European Comission, DG CLIMA

Malcolm Johnson (Deputy Secretary-General at International Telecommunication Union (ITU))

Malcolm Johnson

Deputy Secretary-General at International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Teresa Ribera (Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Ecological Transition, Spain)

Teresa Ribera

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Ecological Transition, Spain

Phoebe Koundouri (Professor and President at Athens University and European Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists)

Phoebe Koundouri

Professor and President at Athens University and European Association of Environmental and Natural Resource Economists

Michael Kuhndt (Executive Director of Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production(CSCP))

Michael Kuhndt

Executive Director of Collaborating Centre on Sustainable Consumption and Production(CSCP)

Carla Montesi (Director of DG INTPA, European Commission)

Carla Montesi

Director of DG INTPA, European Commission

Luis Neves (CEO of GeSI)

Luis Neves


Dennis Pamlin (Head of Strategy - Digital with Purpose at GeSI)

Dennis Pamlin

Head of Strategy - Digital with Purpose at GeSI

Ke Wang (Program Lead at Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy  (PACE))

Ke Wang

Program Lead at Platform for Accelerating the Circular Economy (PACE)

Toni Jin Yong (Chief Representative European Institutions at Huawei)

Toni Jin Yong

Chief Representative European Institutions at Huawei

Iban García del Blanco (Member at European Parliament)

Iban García del Blanco

Member at European Parliament


Event Venue

European Parliament - Solvay Library

European Parliament

Rue D'Arlon 62

1040 Brussels

Solvay Library

Rue Belliard 137A

1000 Bruxelles

Entrance Map